Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Special and natural foods that help your body gain high content nutrients.

Special and natural foods that help your body gain high content nutrients.

Chlorella – Tiny, single-celled water-grown algae filled with chlorophyll, plus protein (58%), carbohydrates, all of the B vitamins, vitamins C and E, and rare trace minerals. It is nearly a complete food and contains more B12 than liver. Chlorella is one of the few edible species of water-grown algae. Very high in RNA and DNA, it protects against ultraviolet radiation, and cleanses the bloodstream. It is an excellent source of protein. Take 1 teaspoon or 4 tablets, 1-2 times daily. This outstanding “green food” algae is grown in purified freshwater which contains all essential vitamins (except D), plus alpha-linolenic acid.

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Spirulina – Another waterborne microalgae. It produces 20 times as much protein as soybeans, grown on an equal amount of land. Spirulina contains an astounding array of nutrition: gamma-linolenic acid, vitamin B12, iron, 60%-70% protein, RNA and DNA, chlorophyll, and phycocyanin (a blue-green pigment which protects against cancer). It increases mineral absorption, protect the immune system
, reduces cholesterol, curbs the appetite and stabilizes blood sugar.

Garlic – This amazing food has helped people for thousands of years, and (especially raw or in supplement form) should be eaten daily. Garlic aids digestion, lowers blood pressure, thins the blood by keeping platelets from clumping (reducing risk of blood clots and helping prevent heart attacks). It is a natural antibiotic (probably the best among all foods) and stimulates the immune system. It lowers serum cholesterol levels and helps in the recovery from bacterial disease.

It can be used to treat fungal infections (athlete’s foot, candidiasis, yeast vaginitis), which can be so hard to eliminate. It reduces arthritis, circulation problems, and certain viruses (such as fever blisters, a type of influenza, the common cold, genital herpes, and smallpox). During World War I, it was used to treat wounds and infections, to prevent gangrene.

To make garlic oil, peel whole garlic cloves, rinse them, and place them in a quart of olive oil. This will prevent mold from forming. Keep the oil refrigerated; it will last a month. Add it to salad dressings and put in on your food. The active ingredient, allicine, is destroyed by heat.

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