Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Household food that assist in lowering blood sugar.

Household food that assist in lowering blood sugar.

Diabetics have to lower their blood sugar when it is high to avoid its damaging effects to the body. I would like to share some remedies that have worked on me, a diabetic for 40 years. Try it our to see if it will work on you.

Check out which of the items on this list will work on your body:

1. Burn the excess sugar with exercise. This is a step which most diabetics do not like to do so check out the other steps.

2. Drink lots of water because sugar melts in water, it cleans out the toxins in the body, it cools the body, and increases circulation.

3. Eat or drink citrus fruits or juices because they aid digestion, purify the blood, and assist in the elimination of waste from the body.

4. Eat foods with chili on it to aid digestion, help in weight loss, and lower the amount of insulin needed to lower blood sugar.

5. Eat raw garlic or food cooked with lots of garlic because it is one of the most effective cleansers of the body, it is used for poor digestion, and regulates blood sugar levels.

6. Eat oatmeal and bran because they are high-fiber food which reduce the risk of high-blood pressure, high blood sugar and diabetes.

7. Eat bitter gourd (ampalaya) to control the blood condition of diabetics because of its insulin-like compound.

When your blood sugar is normal it is easier to stay slim too. Let us work on keeping our body healthy and happy always!

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